Happy friday, I wanted to update you guys again. Were getting ready to put on the Jesus film, it’s a beautiful evening, we’ve got little kids dancing and eating popcorn waiting for it to get dark enough start. Thank you for praying for this event, that people would come and hear about the message of Jesus Christ in their own language.

This week we had a little competition with the SOM guys. I tutor a few of them in English and we’ve got a couple people who are having problems with pronunciation. Our competition was to say the Sally sells seashells by the seashore tongue twister. To see who could say it the fastest and the clearest. We had some laughs and a pretty good time.

Also had the monthly guinea pig meal. This month I made cabbage steaks. Half the people were fans, half the people were not. So we’ll see how it goes next month….

Peter the dorm leader has gone back to Rwanda for the holiday season. We expect him back in January. Prayers for the time with his family.

We also celebrated Christmas a little bit with the staff. Had lunch together this week. We shard men memories from childhood Christmas and ate some chicken.

Yesterday I went out to the village for a women’s Christmas conference to teach. We enjoyed the day of fellowship, worship and teachings. God bless everybody in Iguluibi and Waibale.

Prayers for the upcoming week:

Tonight is the Jesus film in luganda.

The SOM guys have one more day of testing tomorrow for their midterms and then they’re going to head home to their Villages. For safe travel and that they be men of God while they are home.

My foot is still healing. Looks like I tore some muscles and ligaments so it’s taking a while to heal.

The Christmas show for prison is happening next week. Some of them next week and some of them are going to be in January.

Thank you for praying for everything that goes on here. We really appreciate the coverage, the intercession that happens is so vital to the ministry. Thank you so much, I’ll talk to you soon. God bless.

Listen to this update instead at https://nowdeb.com/podcast/s02e05-15dec23/

watch the update on YouTube at https://youtu.be/OoxhsdWxVyo?si=oWUFuqkEAbr7Lxlv